The Importance Of A Morning Routine

I’ve never been a morning person, if I can catch some extra zzz’s in the morning I’m all for it! As I’ve gotten older I learned the importance of establishing a solid morning routine to increase productivity and become more successful. Getting a jumpstart on tackling your day gives you more time that you normally wouldn’t have if you hit your snooze button often.

A morning routine not only increases your energy levels, but it gives you a less stressful day and you won’t feel like time is slipping through your fingers. Your morning routine doesn’t have to be perfect, it’s tailor made specifically for you to help you stay on track to complete your goals, holding you accountable.

My morning routine typically starts like this:

Set A Time To Get Up & Actually Get Up!

Some people’s internal body clock wakes them up at a specific time each day, but if you aren’t there yet make sure to set an alarm to wake up and get moving. Don’t hit that snooze button!

Time With God/Meditations

Starting the morning with a devotional and prayer sets the tone for the day and also gives you a message/teaching to hold throughout the day.


Drinking a glass or bottle of water before anything else in the morning. Getting fluids into your body right after your wake up will help your body flush out toxins first thing in the morning and hydrates you after a long nights sleep.


Whats a day without caffeine?! I prep my coffee in my french press and let it steep while I’m doing my a.m hygiene. Coffee has some pretty amazing benefits, its helps tune your ability to focus and boost your energy levels in addition to other benefits.

Skincare & Hygiene

I love this step in my routine because I feel like it gives me that extra boost of energy I need to wake me up. My skincare routine is normally the same as my p.m regimen with the exception of swapping out some products. Establishing a skincare routine is important for overall wellness.


Stretching improves your blood flow, releases tension from sleeping and prepares your body for the day ahead. Not to mention, this just makes you body feel so good and relaxed.

Get Dressed

Some of us converted to remote work lifestyles post pandemic which means spending more time indoors. It’s super important to get dressed even if you aren’t going anywhere because the way we dress can impact how we feel about ourselves. You feel more productive when you get dressed for the day, it improves you mood and who doesn’t want their mood boosted?

Breakfast Or Smoothie

I’m usually not a hungry person in the morning, so for breakfast sometimes I’ll opt for a fruit smoothie. I like to prepare my smoothies with frozen fruit so I don’t have to use ice which waters it down in my opinion. I use coconut water for my base and use fruits of my choice (normally a banana, pineapples, mangos, strawberries, apple, spinach) which varies depending on what I’m going for. I love to finish my smoothie off before blending with turmeric and ginger, which is for overall immune support.

Map Out The Day/Set Intentions

You can do this the night before, but I like to do this in the morning to see what the day ahead of me looks like. Keeping my most important or most dreadful tasks first, I knock off my goals for the day and feel better when I get things done.

Business Time: Emails, Social Media, Etc.

This is when my day really starts. I keep this for last so I can eliminate distractions and stay focused on what I’m trying to complete. I don’t want to start my day with scrolling on my phone on social media, I want to decrease the amount of screen time when I first wake up. I like to dedicate my first moments of the day to prepare myself to feel better and be better.

Taking time for yourself in the morning is very important. A solid morning routine requires more discipline but you’ll be on the path to a more structured life. If you win the morning you win the day!


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